 Judge from justice, forgive from grace
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2021-08-12 07:00:54 UTC
 Judge from justice, forgive from grace

"Do not judge, that is, unjustly, so that you may not be judged, with
regard to injustice. With the judgment that you judge shall you be
judged (Matthew 7:2). This is like the phrase 'Forgive, and it will be
forgiven you.' For once someone has judged in accordance with justice,
he should forgive in accordance with grace, so that when he himself is
judged in accordance with justice, he may be worthy of forgiveness
through grace. Alternatively, it was on account of the judges, those
who seek vengeance for themselves, that he said, 'Do not condemn.'
That is, do not seek vengeance for yourselves. Or, do not judge, from
appearances and opinion and then condemn, but admonish and advise."
--by Ephrem the Syrian(excerpt from COMMENTARY ON TATIAN’S DIATESSARON 6.18B)

August 12th - St Euplius of Catania, Sicily
Also known as Euplio, Euplius

12 August
11 August (Synaxary of Constantinople; Byzantine-rite calendars)
27 August on some calendars

On August 12, 304 A.D., during the persecution of Diocletian at
Catania, in Sicily, a deacon named Euplius was arrested for owning and
reading a copy of the Gospels. He had been reading and explaining the
Gospels to a gathered crowd. He was brought to the governor’s hall.
He staunchly professed his faith. Standing on the outside of the
curtain of the governor’s audience chamber,  Euplius cried out: “I am
a Christian, and shall rejoice to die for the name of Jesus Christ.”
The governor, Calvisian, heard him and ordered that he who had made
that outcry should be brought in, and presented before him. With the
Book of the Gospels, Euplius was led before the governor. Maximus, a
friend of the governor’s who was present,  said to Euplius, “You ought
not to keep such writings, contrary to the edicts of the emperors.”

The governor queried Euplius whether he brought the text from his
house, or carried them about with him. Euplius replied he had no
house and carried the Scripture with him at all times.  “But why,”
said the judge, “did you not give up those writings as the emperors
have commanded?” “Because I am a Christian. I will sooner die than
deliver them. In them is eternal life, which is lost by him who would
betray what God has entrusted to his keeping.”

Euplius was commanded to read from the Scriptures. The saint read the
passage: “Blest are they who suffer persecution for justice’s sake,
for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Mt 5:10)  Euplius then read the
passage: “If anyone will come after Me, let him deny himself and take
up his cross and follow Me.” (Mt 16:24/Lk 9:23)

Questioned by the governor as to what this meant, the youth replied:
“It is the law of my Lord, which has been delivered to me.” Calvisian
asked: “By whom?” Euplius replied: “By Jesus Christ, the Son of the
Living God.” This infuriated the governor, and he ordered that Euplius
be led away to be tortured. At the height of his torment Euplius was
asked if he still persisted in Christianity. The saintly youth
answered: “What I said before, I say again: I am a Christian and I
read the Sacred Scriptures.” The martyr said, while he was tormented:
“I thank You, O Lord Jesus Christ, that I suffer for Your sake: save
me, I beseech You.”

Calvisianus said: “Lay aside your folly; adore our gods, and you shall
be set free.” Euplius answered: “I adore Jesus Christ; I detest the
devils. Do what you please; add new torments; for I am a Christian. I
have long desired to be in the condition in which I now am.” After the
executioners had tormented him a long time, Calvisianus bade them
desist, and said: “Wretch, adore the gods; worship Mars, Apollo, and
Æsculapius.” Euplius replied: “I adore the Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost. I worship the Holy Trinity, besides whom there is no God.”
Calvisianus said: “Sacrifice, if you would be delivered.” Euplius
answered: “I sacrifice myself now to Jesus Christ, my God. All your
efforts to move me are to no purpose. I am a Christian.” Then
Calvisianus gave orders for increasing his torments.

While the executioners were exerting their utmost in tormenting him,
Euplius prayed: “I thank You, my God; Jesus Christ, succor me. It is
for your name’s sake that I endure these torments.” This he repeated
several times. When his strength failed him, his lips were seen still
to move, the martyr continuing the same or the like prayer with his
lips when he could no longer do it with his voice. The governor
realized that he would never give up his faith, and ordered him to be

The executioners hung the book of the Gospels, which the martyr had
with him when he was seized, about his neck, and the public crier
proclaimed before him: “This is Euplius the Christian, an enemy to the
gods and the emperors.” Euplius continued very cheerful, and repeated
as he went: “I give thanks to Jesus Christ, my God. Confirm, O Lord,
what You have begun in me.” When he had come to the place of
execution, he prayed a long time on his knees, and once more returning
thanks, presented his neck to the executioner, who cut off his head.
The Christians carried off his body, embalmed and buried it.

St. Euplius died April 29, 305 praising God all the while.
--By Matthew

Saint Quote:
“A man who governs his passions is master of his world.
We must either command them or be enslaved by them.
It is better to be a hammer than an anvil.”
--St Dominic

Bible Quote:n
There is one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to
destroy. But who are you that you judge your neighbor?  [James 4:12]

Reverse your relation with sickness
  "Take up your bed. Carry the very mat that once carried you. Change
places, so that what was the proof of your sickness may now give
testimony to your soundness. Your bed of pain becomes the sign of
healing, its very weight the measure of the strength that has been
restored to you."
by Peter Chrysologus (400-450 AD)(excerpt from HOMILY 50.6)

Almighty, eternal, just and merciful God,
grant us in our misery the grace to do for You alone
what we know You want us to do
and always to desire what pleases You.
Thus, inwardly cleansed, interiorly enlightened
and inflamed by the fire of the Holy Spirit,
may we be able to follow in the footprints
of Your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
And, by Your grace alone,
may we make our way to You, Most High,
Who live and rule in perfect Trinity and simple Unity
and are glorified God all-powerful forever and ever.
--from ‘A Letter to the Entire Order’
Francis and Clare: The Complete Works. Regis J. Armstrong, OFM
CAP. and Ignatius C. Brady, OFM
tesla sTinker
2021-08-15 20:12:04 UTC
your not a catholic. Your still using a forbidden Bible...
Why do you post sainthood material and use forbidden books?

It does not say this. Not the true Bible. And it tells you not to do
the things your doing. It does not give the instruction, do not
judge. Never will it do so. No matter how many times you lie about it.
Post by Rich
Judge from justice, forgive from grace
"Do not judge, that is, unjustly, so that you may not be judged, with
regard to injustice. With the judgment that you judge shall you be
judged (Matthew 7:2). This is like the phrase 'Forgive, and it will be
forgiven you.' For once someone has judged in accordance with justice,
he should forgive in accordance with grace, so that when he himself is
judged in accordance with justice, he may be worthy of forgiveness
through grace. Alternatively, it was on account of the judges, those
who seek vengeance for themselves, that he said, 'Do not condemn.'
That is, do not seek vengeance for yourselves. Or, do not judge, from
appearances and opinion and then condemn, but admonish and advise."
--by Ephrem the Syrian(excerpt from COMMENTARY ON TATIAN’S DIATESSARON 6.18B)
August 12th - St Euplius of Catania, Sicily
Also known as Euplio, Euplius
12 August
11 August (Synaxary of Constantinople; Byzantine-rite calendars)
27 August on some calendars
On August 12, 304 A.D., during the persecution of Diocletian at
Catania, in Sicily, a deacon named Euplius was arrested for owning and
reading a copy of the Gospels. He had been reading and explaining the
Gospels to a gathered crowd. He was brought to the governor’s hall.
He staunchly professed his faith. Standing on the outside of the
curtain of the governor’s audience chamber, Euplius cried out: “I am
a Christian, and shall rejoice to die for the name of Jesus Christ.”
The governor, Calvisian, heard him and ordered that he who had made
that outcry should be brought in, and presented before him. With the
Book of the Gospels, Euplius was led before the governor. Maximus, a
friend of the governor’s who was present, said to Euplius, “You ought
not to keep such writings, contrary to the edicts of the emperors.”
The governor queried Euplius whether he brought the text from his
house, or carried them about with him. Euplius replied he had no
house and carried the Scripture with him at all times. “But why,”
said the judge, “did you not give up those writings as the emperors
have commanded?” “Because I am a Christian. I will sooner die than
deliver them. In them is eternal life, which is lost by him who would
betray what God has entrusted to his keeping.”
Euplius was commanded to read from the Scriptures. The saint read the
passage: “Blest are they who suffer persecution for justice’s sake,
for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Mt 5:10) Euplius then read the
passage: “If anyone will come after Me, let him deny himself and take
up his cross and follow Me.” (Mt 16:24/Lk 9:23)
“It is the law of my Lord, which has been delivered to me.” Calvisian
asked: “By whom?” Euplius replied: “By Jesus Christ, the Son of the
Living God.” This infuriated the governor, and he ordered that Euplius
be led away to be tortured. At the height of his torment Euplius was
asked if he still persisted in Christianity. The saintly youth
answered: “What I said before, I say again: I am a Christian and I
“I thank You, O Lord Jesus Christ, that I suffer for Your sake: save
me, I beseech You.”
Calvisianus said: “Lay aside your folly; adore our gods, and you shall
be set free.” Euplius answered: “I adore Jesus Christ; I detest the
devils. Do what you please; add new torments; for I am a Christian. I
have long desired to be in the condition in which I now am.” After the
executioners had tormented him a long time, Calvisianus bade them
desist, and said: “Wretch, adore the gods; worship Mars, Apollo, and
Æsculapius.” Euplius replied: “I adore the Father, Son, and Holy
Ghost. I worship the Holy Trinity, besides whom there is no God.”
Calvisianus said: “Sacrifice, if you would be delivered.” Euplius
answered: “I sacrifice myself now to Jesus Christ, my God. All your
efforts to move me are to no purpose. I am a Christian.” Then
Calvisianus gave orders for increasing his torments.
While the executioners were exerting their utmost in tormenting him,
Euplius prayed: “I thank You, my God; Jesus Christ, succor me. It is
for your name’s sake that I endure these torments.” This he repeated
several times. When his strength failed him, his lips were seen still
to move, the martyr continuing the same or the like prayer with his
lips when he could no longer do it with his voice. The governor
realized that he would never give up his faith, and ordered him to be
The executioners hung the book of the Gospels, which the martyr had
with him when he was seized, about his neck, and the public crier
proclaimed before him: “This is Euplius the Christian, an enemy to the
gods and the emperors.” Euplius continued very cheerful, and repeated
as he went: “I give thanks to Jesus Christ, my God. Confirm, O Lord,
what You have begun in me.” When he had come to the place of
execution, he prayed a long time on his knees, and once more returning
thanks, presented his neck to the executioner, who cut off his head.
The Christians carried off his body, embalmed and buried it.
St. Euplius died April 29, 305 praising God all the while.
--By Matthew
“A man who governs his passions is master of his world.
We must either command them or be enslaved by them.
It is better to be a hammer than an anvil.”
--St Dominic
Bible Quote:n
There is one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to
destroy. But who are you that you judge your neighbor? [James 4:12]
Reverse your relation with sickness
"Take up your bed. Carry the very mat that once carried you. Change
places, so that what was the proof of your sickness may now give
testimony to your soundness. Your bed of pain becomes the sign of
healing, its very weight the measure of the strength that has been
restored to you."
by Peter Chrysologus (400-450 AD)(excerpt from HOMILY 50.6)
Almighty, eternal, just and merciful God,
grant us in our misery the grace to do for You alone
what we know You want us to do
and always to desire what pleases You.
Thus, inwardly cleansed, interiorly enlightened
and inflamed by the fire of the Holy Spirit,
may we be able to follow in the footprints
of Your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
And, by Your grace alone,
may we make our way to You, Most High,
Who live and rule in perfect Trinity and simple Unity
and are glorified God all-powerful forever and ever.
--from ‘A Letter to the Entire Order’
Francis and Clare: The Complete Works. Regis J. Armstrong, OFM
CAP. and Ignatius C. Brady, OFM